- Production in Germany
- NO delivery to ISLANDS
- NO delivery to PO boxes, packing stations or similar.
- Goods leaving normally in 3 to 6 days:
- Counted in working days. Except Saturdays.
- Carrier lead time on top - Time loss in customs on top
- DAP agreed place
(For more information about DAP: Incoterms)
- Customs clearance costs, applicable customs duties and import VAT will be charged to you by the transport company.
Order with picking boxes (accessories) only:
Order until
Shipping price
More than 0,00 CHF
10,84 CHF
Base price
Order until
Shipping price
147,80 CHF
10,84 CHF
492,70 CHF
32,52 CHF
More than 492,70 CHF
54,20 CHF
More than 985,43 CHF (accesories excluded)
Ex Works
Additional charges
Length > 1150 mm
+ 4,34 CHF
Packing charge (Your order includes anything but Accessoiries)
+ 3,25 CHF
Export costs
+ 21,68 CHF
Multiple packages charges
Every 25.00 kg:
- Packing charge
- Overlength
will be applied again
Shipping video
Example calculation
Picking Box
Accessories fits in our company movement box.
If you order only accessories you will pay only one time a fix amount of shipping costs.
No Quantity maximum.
Over length:
Is your package 1200 mm long , it comes to difficulties, problems with the transport company, it does not fit on the trolley, bulky, heavy, more cardboard to pack, longer packing time?
This means extra costs for long packages.
Packing charge:
The packing charge is for the special effort which arise when you order an article with a length.
Special effort means that wee need more time to prepare your order and we need more packing material and mashines to have it save enough for the shipping.
Export costs
Costs for the documentation of our shipping company. Import Documents.
This is an adding fee on the shipping costs.